With tumescent liposuction technique, the incisions made during your chin liposuction will be very small and they will heal quickly. The incisions were also made at a spot where it is difficult to notice. For neck and chin liposuction, the cannula’s diameter is normally less than 2mm.
The tumescent technique will normally use local anesthetic only and there will be very little bleeding as well as less trauma to the surrounding tissues. Local anesthetic will significantly decrease the bleeding and trauma by 90%.
The recovery period of the chin liposuction is very fast with the tumescent liposuction technique. Immediately after the chin liposuction you are allowed to go home as there are no general anesthesia and sedation involved. The risks and the downtime of a general anesthesia are also avoided.
To eliminate your double chin, which is excess fat under your chin, choosing the tumescent liposuction technique is a good choice due to its fast recovery and less complication during and after the surgery.
After the surgery, most patients will take about 2 to 3 days leave. During that rest period you are allowed to perform moderate exercise or activity. You will experience swelling along with bruising but at a minimal level. However the swelling and bruising will subside fast. Unlike facelift surgery, the recovery period will take a longer time.
You are required to wear a special garment for a few of days after the surgery. It is a strap like an enlarged chin strap, which is elastic. The garment is meant to give gentle pressure to your chin only for a few days and later no special attention is needed.
Although facelift surgery still has its own place in cosmetic plastic surgery, chin liposuction is fast becoming a great substitution to a facelift surgery for many people.