Monday, October 5, 2009

Can Breast Liposuction Decrease Large Breasts?

If you have been wondering if breast liposuction is the best way to reduce large breast, then you should read this breast liposuction article to know about the truth.

Macromastia or better known as large breasts, is the cause of many musculoskeletal symptoms like neck pain, back pain and grooves in a woman’s shoulder skin from her bra straps. A solution for this problem is to have a breast reduction surgery to reduce breasts size or to lift large breasts. This kind of surgery is, on the other hand, a major operation that will cause a lot of scars situated mostly on the lower pole of a woman’s breast.

With the outcome, some women may have wonder if a breast liposuction can be applied to reduce large breast in place of a large open surgery. As the breast is filled with fatty tissue which can be sucked out, this isn’t an awkward inquiry. The concept of breast liposuction has also been publicized by some international cosmetic plastic surgeons.

The trouble with liposuction for reducing large breasts is that, it cannot do anything for the huge quantity of hanging skin and also the nipple lower position. The result of removing the fat is just like puncturing a balloon, whereby the balloon becomes loose and hangs further down, the same goes for the skin. In one hand the breast may be decreased in actual size or the volume, however it will definitely look ugly and much of the troubles caused by large breasts are the effect of their sag and not just the breasts’ weight.

With that being said, however, there are a number of usage of liposuction in a breast reduction. For large breasts with reasonably tight or stretched skin, good breast figure as well as a rather well-positioned nipple, breast liposuction can be done to produce a modest modification in breast size.

Possibly ½ a cup size decrease maybe attained. This would save a substantial amount of breast scars. However, a substantial downsizing of the breast cannot be attained. Liposuction is also extremely helpful in the reduction of the side of chest located next to the breast, which is usually quite full as well.

Opposite to the opinion of many patients, the breast reduction surgical treatment won’t make this area smaller. To have the perfection that reaches to the back and the side, liposuction must also be carried out in addition to the breast reduction surgical treatment.

Breast liposuction alone may not be able to reduce large breasts substantially, however it is still needed in breast reduction surgery.
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